Friday, 16 October 2020

Evacuees over and out!


Sadly our Operation Pied Piper topic has come to an end. What a wonderful time we have had learning all about life and events during World War 11. Here are items that the children selected as suitable or unsuitable to pack when preparing to be evacuated.

The children also spent time researching in small groups to create wonderful posters show-casing all of our learning.

To mark the end of the topic, the children wore their evacuee clothes and used recipes from the 1940's to make delicious Rock Buns and Orange Drop Biscuits. They had a wonderful time making the delicious treats which were then parcelled up ready for home-time. Apparently they are delicious!


The day was finished off with lots of hilarity and amusement as the teachers went down memory lane sharing classic childhood games from years gone by but they did remind the children that they weren't alive in  World War II! These included pin the tail on the donkey, pick up sticks, playing with model armies, marbles, snakes and ladders, mix up head, body and tails, pelmanism game and tiddlywinks! 
The afternnon ended with a game of 'Squeak, piggy, Squeak'! 

What a fabulous way to end a super first half term. We hope you all have a great half term holiday and most of all stay safe.

Friday, 9 October 2020

Towers, Tricks and Tales from the Blitz!

Over the weeks the children have been set various tasks on Seesaw. This week's activity was to use the base 10 apparatus to build secure towers and then calculate the total amount used! There was a huge amount of squealing as towers fell and had to be rebuilt within the allotted time! The children displayed great attributes of being Team Players and accurate mathematicians! 

We had a very special visitor this week - Squadron Leader Wayman who came to share his experience of  living in London during the Blitz. He gave a very detailed and informative account which really helped enhanced the understanding and writing that our children undertook in their Creative Writing this week. 

Please follow the link to see the whole presentation:

Here is Charlie the Marvellous Magician. He wowed us with his amazing magic tricks this morning. His professional performance and slick tricks were really quite astounding! We hope to see more hidden talents from our children in future weeks!

Wishing you all a wonderful weekend!


Cut Throat Celts

  What a fantastic day we had out in the Forest on Wednesday. The school was thrown back 2,000 years and invaded by Cut Throat Celts. There ...